Employment contract regulations

‘I have a new job in a company that sent me the employment contract in advance so that I could check it. Now I’ve noticed a few things in the contract that I’ve never seen in previous employment contracts. That’s why I’m wondering what is actually mandatory in an employment contract.’

Flexibility when working from home


According to Art. 10 para. 3 ArG, the maximum daily working time is currently 14 hours including breaks. In addition, a daily rest period of at least eleven consecutive hours must be guaranteed (Art. 15a para. 1 ArG) and working on Sundays is only permitted with authorisation – but this could all change soon.

Claiming the reference letter

Klage auf Ausstellung

If an action is brought for a reference, the employee is free to directly request the specific content of the reference in accordance with a pre-formulated text. This prevents an action for rectification having to be brought later.

My child is sick. Am I entitled to free days?

Krankes Kind Rafaela Fieber messen sikkema unsplash scaled

Children need their parents – especially when they are sick and need care. But today very often, both parents work and cannot simply stay away from work. What applies if your own child is sick in bed?

Staff leasing: Who is my employer?

Personalverleih Buecher Rafaela perez moya unsplash scaled

Both personnel leasing and private employment agencies are regulated by the Employment Agencies Act (AVG), which is intended to protect jobseekers and leased employees.