Claiming the reference letter

If an action is brought for a reference, the employee is free to directly request the specific content of the reference in accordance with a pre-formulated text. This prevents an action for rectification having to be brought later.

My child is sick. Am I entitled to free days?

Children need their parents – especially when they are sick and need care. But today very often, both parents work and cannot simply stay away from work. What applies if your own child is sick in bed?

Termination without notice

I am the manager of an SME. At the moment, the work situation with one of our employees is very difficult. When and under what conditions is a termination without notice possible?

Do I have to pay the broker the commission?

I had commissioned an estate agent to sell a flat. As there was no success, I placed advertisements myself. With success. The buyer had previously requested sales documentation from the estate agent. The contract stated that the commission was also owed if a client “worked on” by the estate agent was the buyer.

Data protection in the workplace: What must the employer observe?

On 25 September 2020, the Swiss National Council and Council of States approved the final text of the new Data Protection Act (DPA). With the total revision, the DPA will be adapted to the rapidly changing technological and social conditions. This will strengthen the self-determination of individuals with regard to their personal data.